Space Holders, Leaders, Coaches & Healers
- Training, Life Coaching, Healing, Nature Retreat, Brotherhood and Support
This is the gold standard mentorship program designed for men who are truly committed to diving deep into their healing journey and are ready to expand their repertoire of healing skills and spiritual wisdom. This program consists of 6 highly introspective coaching calls to take you deep into your healing journey, supplemented by ongoing personal mentoring and trainings to expand your full potential. As part of this program, you'll also have access to a supportive community of like-minded men and a wealth of top-notch resources including meditations, healing techniques, and recommended reading materials. As your abilities and healing capacity deepens the time will come to join me for a powerful 1:1 wild camp and nature ceremony to tap into your primal and spiritual essence - a life changing experience to complete your initiation. This program is for those who are ready to make a real and lasting change in their lives, expand their abilities to heal themselves and others, connecting to a deeper sense of Self, Purpose and Spirit.

Your Story
Every one of us has experienced some form of trauma, some more subtle than others, but whether or not you had a happy childhood, your society, caregivers and major life experiences have inevitably shaped who you are and how you behave - this is just an unavoidable fact of life. But, as we mature and evolve we can begin to look retrospectively at the programming and conditioning we experienced and understand there are alternative ways of being if we are willing to do the work. The way we think, the way we act, the relationships we keep, and the goals we set are all dictated by our beliefs - our self-worth, our worldview, our frame of mind, but much of this programming was done in our youth and therefor is deeply hidden within the subconscious, secretly running the show in the background. If you are ready to make a lasting change, to actively heal the past and the parts of you you've disconnected from, then the beautiful and awe-inspiring introspective Journey is for you. With my continued support, access to potent resources and the support of a brotherhood, there is no change to great, no wound to painful, and no goal you can't achieve.